Friday, January 20, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

Okay, so first of all, these first 2 pictures oare not from Christmas Eve! The group shot is from our tree decorating night early in the season. I just didn't do a post for that day and I thought this picture was sweet, so here it is. Then there is this picture below of Brailyn talking to Santa Claus! Oh, the look of joy on that sweet face says it all about childhood. How I love that sweet innocence!
Now on to our Christmas Eve. We always have such a fun evening on Christmas Eve. First we go over to Madonna's and Gaylon's house for a huge family party. We start with a talent show, then open presents and eat delicious food. (Not always in that particular order though). Brailyn played some Christmas songs on the piano and Madison and Zoe sang I Am A Child of God. Or I should say, Madison sang it. LOL, Zoe said she did not know that song. Even though just before we left to go to the party, they sang it together and Zoe sang louder than Madison. You just never know, do you? Any way it was sweet.

After we left the party, we looked at Christmas lights. There is a house that has a man dressed as Santa every year. He gives out toys and some treats. The children always look forward to going here. It has become part of our tradition. We discovered him by accident years ago.

When we got home we read Luke 2 as a family. Then the children exchanged gifts between themselves, and Rob and I too. We do this on Christmas Eve so they can have a chance to enjoy those gifts separate from the Santa gifts on Christmas Day. It is a tradition that was carried down from my childhood. We always opened our gifts from each other on Christmas Eve. You can see everyone was in a silly mood. It was so nice to have Jordan home for Christmas. The last two Christmases he was in Honduras serving as a missionary.

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