Rob and I had the rare opportunity to take an anniversary trip. Quite an accomplishment when you have a large family. The timing just worked out though. A church friend we know manages a hotel. He was giving away some free gift certificates for certain hotels to anyone he knew that wanted them. We saw the one for Savannah, Georgia and asked if it was still available. It was. It had to be used by Dec. 31, 2011. We decided to make reservations for Dec. 27-29. Our 26th wedding anniversary was on the 27th. Brianna was available to babysit most of the time because she was on Christmas break from college. Plus, she took a few days off of her job. Not because of this, but just because she had taken a few vacation days around Christmas. Tanner was here to fill in when she did have to go back to work though. We figured we would not have that opportunity again any time soon so we went for it. It was such a nice, refreshing break. Everything went great, except when on our first night Rob got pulled over for having a brake light out. Then we got a little lost trying to find our restaurant. It all turned out though. That first night we ate at Moon River Restaurant. It was delicious!

Then, the next day we went to downtown Savannah just to walk around and shop. We didn't really see anything we wanted.....except lots of delicious food. Goodness, if I ever go back I think I will lose 10 pounds first so I can eat it back on! Just kidding, but seriously there are so many temptations. We shared a huge piece of pizza for lunch. Then later we ate a piece of cheesecake at a little cafe. Good thing we were walking all day to burn some calories!

For dinner we ate a Lady & Sons (one of Paula Deen's restaurants). It was delicious too! In order to eat there, you have to go in the morning to make reservations. Rob got down there before 9 a.m. to stand in line. Wow, I am glad I do not live too close to this place. I would be in big trouble it I did!

The next day we came home. We took a small detour in Kingsland, Georgia to drive by the old motel we managed back in 1986 when we were newlyweds. It has changed names and they took out the pool (filled it in). It used to have a great big pool in the front and then name was Camden Motor Lodge. It is now called Camden Inn and Suites, which I think is a very gracious name for this place. :) We came home to find everyone alive and well when we got home. Of course, we did phone home each day of the trip, lol. We are so thankful everything worked out and we were able to have this rare, but nice opportunity.