Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy birthday to you both!

We had two birthdays here so we decided to celebrate both on the same day. Tanner turned 13 on April 7th and Zoe turned 4 on April 9th. We decided April 8th would be the perfect day for a double celebration. The picture above is part of Tanner's gift from Brailyn. She had received a McDonald's gift card for Christmas from her grandma and she asked Brianna to take that card with her to seminary and buy Tanner a birthday breakfast on the way home.

Here is the birthday boy. He is now a teenager! Where does the time go? He loved all of his gifts. The only thing he asked for was an ocarina. This is the instrument that Link (from the video game "Zelda") plays.

Zoe was so excited to turn 4. She was hilarious at her party! She loved everything she got. She even loved her birthday cards, as you can see from the pictures.

Happy birthday, Tanner and Zoe! We hope you enjoyed your special day! We love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What nice Easter pictures! I love the girl's dresses. I miss going on Easter Egg hunts at Mema and Pa's house. I am sure it was sad,without Pa being there. He was probaly watching. He loved the holidays. Zoe's and Tanner's birthday pictures are cute. I love and miss you all so much and really wish that we could go down there, this summer.