Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant"

On May 19th, Jordan's flight was due to come in at 5:30 p.m. We hung our banner on the house then crowded in the van and headed to the airport. Words can't describe how ecstatic we all were! We met up with Mom, Barbara, Madonna, Gaylon, Michael, Lisa and Blaine at the airport. We all felt a little down as we saw that his plane was not on time. Then we realized that we had been tracking the wrong flight in from Miami (we had left the flight number at home). Tanner went over and noticed a different flight that had not previously been on the board. (2nd one from the top). We all gathered near the runway (actually just a big hallway) and got our banners, posters and balloons ready. We watched the people as they came down the hall......patiently. Or maybe not so patiently, lol. 2 years is a long time!

There he was! I was going to wait for him to come to us, but I just could not wait. I rushed over to him! He looked great! The next few minutes were a blur. Lots of hugs and catching up!!

We ate at Cracker Barrel and then went over to the church and he was released as a missionary. After 2 years of serving the Lord, serving others and preaching of Christ.........daily 24/7. It is never an easy thing to give up that name tag. How hard it was for Jordan.

He wanted to go to the temple, so Friday morning Rob, Jordan and I went to the Orlando temple. We had a wonderful day! Welcome home, Jordan! We love you and are proud of you!

"Well done thou good and faithful servant." -Matthew 25:21


Mindy said...

how exciting!!such great pictures!

James said...

I wish we could have been there!!

Why'd you eat at Cracker Barrel? That's not your celebratory restaurant!! ;)

paige said...

LOL, we figured after 2 years in Honduras that he would want some good ole' American food.....not Mexican. Don't worry, we ate there for Tyson's birthday though.